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About 6,607 photos within 10km of NY4433530785
Within 0.01 km
NY4430 : St Andrew's Church - Greystoke by mauldy
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: The nave by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: The nave by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: The nave from the chancel by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : St Andrew's Church, Greystoke by The Carlisle Kid
NY4430 : St Andrew's Church, Greystoke by The Carlisle Kid
NY4430 : St Andrew's Church, Greystoke by The Carlisle Kid
NY4430 : Inside St Andrew's Church, Greystoke by thejackrustles
NY4430 : St Andrew's Church, Greystoke by The Carlisle Kid
NY4430 : St Andrew's Church, Greystoke by The Carlisle Kid
NY4430 : St Andrew's Church, Greystoke by The Carlisle Kid
NY4430 : St Andrew's church, Greystoke by Dave Kelly
NY4430 : St Andrew's Church, Greystoke by The Carlisle Kid
NY4430 : St Andrew's Church, Greystoke by The Carlisle Kid
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: The font by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: The font by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : St Andrew's Church, Greystoke by The Carlisle Kid
Within 0.1 km
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: Alanus Smalwood memorial by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: 'Today you will be with Me in Paradise' by Josefine de Vasconcellos by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: The south aisle by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : St Andrew's church by Philip Jeffrey
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: Baron William, founder of the collegiate church and his grandson, John by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: Baron William, founder of the collegiate church and his grandson, John by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: Baron William, founder of the collegiate church and his grandson, John by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: Baron William, founder of the collegiate church and his grandson, John by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: Baron William, founder of the collegiate church and his grandson, John by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: Baron William, founder of the collegiate church and his grandson, John by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: Misericord 2 by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: Misericord 3 by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: Misericord 4 by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: Misericord 1 by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Inside St Andrew's Church, Greystoke by thejackrustles
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: Misericord 4 (detail) by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : St Andrew's Church, Greystoke by Alexander P Kapp
NY4430 : Glass in St Andrew's church, Greystoke by David Purchase
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: Redundant church bell by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: The Resurrection window by Charles Kempe by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: The south aisle by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: Redundant church bell (detail) by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : OS Cut Mark - Greystoke, St Andrew's Church by thejackrustles
NY4430 : Location of OS Cut Mark - Greystoke, St Andrew's Church by thejackrustles
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: The south aisle by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: Piscina and triple sedilia by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: The great east window with its fine medieval glass (detail) 4 by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: The great east window with its fine medieval glass (detail) 10 by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: The great east window with its fine medieval glass (detail) 3 by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: The great east window with its fine medieval glass (detail) 12 by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: The great east window with its fine medieval glass (detail) 13 by Michael Garlick
NY4430 : Greystoke, St. Andrew's Church: The great east window with its fine medieval glass (detail) 8 by Michael Garlick

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Geographical Contexts for these images (click to view more images): · Village, Rural settlement[37] · Religious sites[47] · Historic sites and artefacts[8] · People, Events[6]

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About 6,607 photos within 10km. Explore these images more: in the Browser (On Map) or in the standard search.