Shared description

St Lawrence Church, East Donyland

St Lawrence Church, East Donyland is a Grade II Listed church in East Donyland, Essex. It is sometimes called St Lawrence Church, Rowhedge as it is in the settlement of Rowhedge. If you are typing St Lawrence Church, East Don, St Lawrence Church, East Donyland doesn't come up (until the "auto type" works, however if you put in St Lawrence Church, Rowhe, St Lawrence Church, Rowhedge comes up in the "auto fill" meaning it is probably more often refereed to be in Rowhedge than East Donyland. English Heritage includes "Row Hedge" as part of the Listing.
by Hamish Griffin

Created: Sun, 15 Jun 2014, Updated: Sun, 15 Jun 2014

16 images use this description:

TM0321 : Path in St Lawrence Churchyard, East Donyland by Hamish Griffin
TM0321 : Path in St Lawrence Churchyard, East Donyland by Hamish Griffin
TM0321 : Pool in Wivenhoe by Hamish Griffin
TM0221 : Church Street, East Donyland by Hamish Griffin
TM0321 : East Donyland from Wivenhoe by Hamish Griffin
TM0321 : Grave stone with book by Hamish Griffin
TM0321 : Grave in the trees by Hamish Griffin
TM0321 : Church Street, East Donyland by Hamish Griffin
TM0221 : St Lawrence Church, East Donyland entrance by Hamish Griffin
TM0321 : Book on grave stone by Hamish Griffin
TM0321 : St Lawrence Churchyard, East Donyland by Hamish Griffin
TM0321 : St Lawrence Churchyard, East Donyland by Hamish Griffin
TM0221 : St Lawrence Church, East Donyland by Hamish Griffin
TM0321 : Church Street entrance to St Lawrence Church, East Donyland by Hamish Griffin
TM0221 : St Lawrence Church, East Donyland sign by Hamish Griffin
TM0321 : East Donyland Parish Council Public Notices by Hamish Griffin

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