Attribute Sidebars in Browser

Published: 3 August 2017
This page provides a quick summary of the Attribute sidebars, available via the Image browser function.

Grid Squares

Starts off with the 100km Myriad squares, as the images get more selective, will change to 10km Hectad and finally single 1km Grid Squares.


Again multi-resolution, starts with broad Countries, then Areas (mainly Counties), then individual Places.

Note: the assignment is automatic, based on nearby placename. So it's the country/county of the placename that is shown. Near borders, the placename used might be over the border to where the image is taken or of.
(also means that some coastal images are assigned 'Unknown' as the chosen placename is offshore (bays etc), and doesn't technically have a county)

Great Britain: based upon Ordnance Survey ® 1:50 000 Scale Gazetteer, © Crown copyright Ordnance Survey. All Rights Reserved. Educational licence 100045616.

Ireland: Placename/Toponymic information is based on the Geographic Names Data Base, containing official standard names approved by the United States Board on Geographic Names and maintained by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. More information is available at the Products and Services link at LinkExternal link

Taken Years/Months/Days

Again multi-resolution, starts with year, then narrows down to month, and finally individual days.

Geographical Context

These are chosen by the contributor, as a broad category for the image and the general area. They are sometimes useful as a way to narrow down images on these broad categories (possibly particularly useful to exclude, for example to exclude urban images).

This list was created some time after the project started, so not all images have a Context.



Picked by the contributor as a primary subject for the photo. Optional and only added late in the project so only a small percentage of images have a subject assigned.



Freeform textual labels for the photo chosen by the Contributor. Optional and only added late in the project so only a small percentage of images have tag(s). Different contributors may use different tags/names for things, so doesn't always match up.

Contains 'prefixed' tags, as well as unprefixed tags, which group tags into namespaces (note that some prefixed tags like context and subject are separated into their own sidebar for convenience).


The name of the contributor of the images.

Automatic Clusters

Labels assigned by a computer algorithm. Bit hit and miss, but sometimes assigns labels that the contributor missed, so can help find images in some cases.


Land cover describes the physical material on the surface of the country. For example: grassland, woodland, rivers & lakes and artificial materials such as roads and buildings.
... assigned by computer algorithm, on a 1km grid. So offers an approximation of the type of area the photo is taken in.

For the moment see this thread:
(still in active development)

LCM2015 © and database right NERC (CEH) 2017. All rights reserved. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2007.


Aspect ratio of the image, allows filtering to only find landscape or portrait for example.


Broad classification, assigned by site moderator to the image. Allows filtering by the style of image

Type Tags have only recently been introduced, so only recent submitted images currently have these assigned, older non-geograph images will still have 'Supplemental' as the Type.


Shared Descriptions

Contributors can write a single description, that is then attached to multiple images. This also groups images together. Can filter by the title of the description here. Hit and miss, as different contributors may use a different description for the same thing, and it's not necessarily attached to all images.


An early experiment to classify images under broad themes to aid searching. Not successful, very few images are so classified.


These are terms extracted by computer algorithm from the image description. Function like tags, but more hit and miss but again allows some interesting filtering.

Creative Commons Licence [Some Rights Reserved]   Text © Copyright August 2017, Barry Hunter; licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons Licence.
With contributions by Penny Mayes. (details)
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