Bus Art, London - Year of the bus

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Between October 2014 and January 2015, 58 scale New Routemaster painted bus sculptures were set out on four trails around central London and in Croydon.

The bus sculptures, which are 2.5m long, 1m high and 0.5m wide, were painted by well-known and aspiring artists to showcase the vital role that London’s buses play in the life and economy of the city.

The four trails ran around Westminster, the River Thames, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and Croydon.

The buses were auctioned after the event in aid of three charities; Kids Company, Transaid and London Transport Museum.

PhotoBus NameArtistTrail
TQ3884 : Bus Art, 'Ding! Ding!' by Oast House ArchiveDing! Ding!Crispin FinnPark trail 01
TQ3884 : Bus Art, 'Moquette' by Oast House ArchiveMoquetteBeth QuintonPark trail 02
TQ3885 : Bus Art, 'Journey to Anywhere' by Oast House ArchiveJourney to AnywhereOliver DeanPark trail 03
TQ3785 : Bus Art, 'Time Travel' by Oast House ArchiveTime TravelSara AdhityaPark trail 04
TQ3785 : Bus Art, 'English Herbaceous Border' by Oast House ArchiveEnglish Herbaceous BorderSarah Jane RichardsPark trail 05
TQ3784 : Bus Art, 'Hold Tight' by Oast House ArchiveHold TightMini ModernsPark trail 06
TQ3784 : Bus Art, 'Union Jack' by Oast House ArchiveUnion JackKristan MovahedPark trail 07
TQ3784 : 'Bus Art', The Paralympic Bus by Oast House Archive The Paralympic BusTom YendellPark trail 08
TQ3784 : Bus Art, 'Invisible to the Environment' by Oast House ArchiveInvisible to the EnvironmentPawel SrokowskiPark trail 09
TQ3784 : Bus Art,'Dazzler' by Oast House ArchiveDazzlerSophie GreenPark trail 10
TQ3884 : Bus Art,'CumulonimBUS' by Oast House ArchiveCumulonimBUSLoz AtkinsonPark trail 11
TQ3380 : Bus Art, 'Dazzle Bus' by Oast House ArchiveDazzle BusStephen McKayRiver Trail 01
TQ3280 : Bus Art, 'Spectrum' by Oast House ArchiveSpectrumKristel PillkahnRiver Trail 02
TQ3280 : Bus Art, 'Orla Kiely' by Oast House ArchiveOrla KielySarah Jane RichardsRiver Trail 03
TQ3280 : Bus Art, 'Route Masters' by Oast House ArchiveRoute MastersEdward Carvalho-MonaghanRiver Trail 04
TQ3280 : Bus Art, 'Brollybus' by Oast House ArchiveBrollybusJane Veveris CallanRiver Trail 05
TQ3180 : Bus Art, 'New Routemaster' by Oast House ArchiveNew RoutemasterCandida BoyesRiver Trail 06
TQ3180 : Bus Art, 'Legible London' by Oast House ArchiveLegible LondonFiona StewartRiver Trail 07
TQ3281 : Bus Art, 'Punk'ed' by Oast House ArchivePunk’edValerie OsmentRiver Trail 08
TQ3280 : Bus Art, 'Childhood on a bus' by Oast House ArchiveChildhood on a busArizona Smith, ambassador for Kids CompanyRiver Trail 09
TQ3281 : Bus Art, 'Push Once' by Oast House ArchivePush OnceMini ModernsRiver Trail 10
TQ3281 : Bus Art, 'All Aboard the Number 8' by Oast House ArchiveAll Aboard the Number 8Anna Rawles & Jennifer RodgersRiver Trail 11
TQ3380 : Bus Art, 'Tower Bridge Bus' by Oast House ArchiveTower Bridge BusMichelle HeronRiver Trail 12
TQ3380 : Bus Art, 'Twenty Four Seven' by Oast House ArchiveTwenty Four SevenDeven BhurkeRiver Trail 13
TQ3080 : Bus Art, 'My AccessiBus' by Oast House ArchiveAccessibusLiliana Ortega GarzaWestminster trail 01
TQ3080 : Bus Art, 'Busby' by Oast House ArchiveBusbyOliver DeanWestminster trail 02
TQ3080 : Bus Art, 'Poppy Fields' by Oast House ArchivePoppy FieldsSarah Jane GraceWestminster trail 03
TQ3080 : Bus Art, 'Travels with Edward' by Oast House ArchiveTravels with EdwardValerie OsmentWestminster trail 04
TQ3080 : Bus Art, 'Swinging London' by Oast House ArchiveSwinging LondonSian StoreyWestminster trail 05
TQ2980 : Bus Art, 'Rock N Royal' by Oast House ArchiveRock n RoyalDamien JefferyWestminster trail 06
TQ2980 : Bus Art, 'Cath Kidston London Scene' by Oast House ArchiveCath Kidston London SceneCath KidstonWestminster trail 07
TQ3080 : Bus Art, 'London Skyline Bus' by Oast House ArchiveLondon Skyline BusKristjana S WilliamsWestminster trail 08
TQ3080 : Bus Art, '360° Panorama of London' by Oast House Archive360° Panorama of LondonRob WilsonWestminster trail 09
TQ3080 : Bus Art, 'Les We Forget' by Oast House ArchiveLest We ForgetLee O’BrienWestminster trail 10
TQ3079 : Bus Art, 'London Telephone Bus' by Oast House ArchiveLondon Telephone BusStephen McKayWestminster trail 11
TQ2979 : Bus Art, 'London Takes the Bus' by Oast House ArchiveLondon Takes the BusRod HuntWestminster trail 12
TQ2979 : Bus Art, 'Buckingham Palace Bus' by Oast House ArchiveBuckingham Palace BusMandii PopeWestminster trail 13
TQ2979 : Bus Art, 'Gull Graeni Straeto' by Oast House ArchiveGull Graeni StraetoKristjana S WilliamsWestminster trail 14
TQ2979 : Bus Art, 'Lord Mayor of the City of Westminster' by Oast House ArchiveLord Mayor of the City of WestminsterJenny LeonardWestminster trail 15
TQ2979 : Bus Art, 'Tunnel Vision' by Oast House ArchiveTunnel VisionOne Red ShoeWestminster trail 16
TQ2781 : Bus Art, 'Come Rain or Come Shine, Bus Sculpture' by Oast House ArchiveCome Rain or Come ShineThomas DowdeswellWestminster trail 17
TQ3265 : Bus Art, 'Diversity' by Oast House ArchiveDiversityRachel StevensCroydon trail 01
TQ3265 : Bus Art, 'Circuit bus' by Oast House ArchiveCircuit BusEloise KerrCroydon trail 02
TQ3265 : Bus Art, 'Crystal' by Oast House ArchiveCrystalSophie GreenCroydon trail 03
TQ3265 : Bus Art, 'Moquette' by Oast House ArchiveMoquetteMini ModernsCroydon trail 04
TQ3265 : Bus Art, 'Flower Fairies' by Oast House Archive Flower FairiesMichelle HeronCroydon trail 05
TQ3265 : Bus Art, 'Poppy the Party Bus' by Oast House ArchivePoppy the Party BusJenny LeonardCroydon trail 06
TQ3266 : Bus Art, 'The 75 to Crocus Valley' by Oast House ArchiveThe ‘75’ to Crocus ValleyLis WatkinsCroydon trail 07
TQ3165 : Bus Art, 'Wild Ride' by Oast House ArchiveWild RideJennie GroverCroydon trail 08
TQ3165 : Bus Art, 'Queen of the Sky' by Oast House ArchiveQueen of the SkyDeven BhurkeCroydon trail 09
TQ3165 : Bus Art, 'Do the Locomotive' by Oast House ArchiveDo The LocomotiveAnna Rawles & Jennifer RodgersCroydon trail 10
TQ3265 : Bus Art, 'Trammin'' by Oast House ArchiveTrammin’Alice CretneyCroydon trail 11
TQ3265 : Bus Art, 'Surrey Street Market' by Oast House ArchiveSurrey Street MarketMatt BannisterCroydon trail 12
TQ3265 : Bus Art, 'The Library' by Oast House ArchiveThe LibraryAnna Rawles & Jennifer RodgersCroydon trail 13
TQ3265 : Bus Art, 'Croydon Layers' by Oast House ArchiveCroydon LayersMatt BannisterCroydon trail 14
TQ3265 : Bus Art, 'At the Bottom of the Garden' by Oast House ArchiveAt The Bottom of The GardenAnna BensonCroydon trail 15
TQ3265 : Bus Art, 'Magic Bus - Magic Carpet' by Oast House ArchiveMagic Bus - Magic CarpetGiles BoardmanCroydon trail 16
TQ3265 : Bus Art, 'Pearl' by Oast House ArchivePearlJanet FishwickCroydon trail 17
-Root MasterRuth PickardPark trail later addition

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