First Geograph Conference 17th Feb 2010 in Southampton
Published: 21 December 2009
This page is to detail the arrangements for the upcoming Geograph Conference in February 2010. Hopefully our first of many.
View the Discussion Thread to read more, and find out how to pre-register your interest in attending.
Location & getting there...
Venue, OS HQ:

- Directions to the OS
(Includes downloadable version, public transport and sat nav info)
- Directions to SO16 4GU via Google Maps
- There are 3 buses to OS from Southampton train station (platform 1 exit);
- Bluestar bus no.4 which stops right outside the main entrance.
- First bus no’s 8/8a and 17a, which stop across the road (Maybush Corner)
* Free parking available at the venue for all attendees.

- Parking Upper Blue Car Park via Wimpson Lane
- Pedestrians Main reception
* View the Events Page for a map
Outline Schedule
10.00 Registration and coffee
10.30 Lecture theatre - welcome, outline of the day, story of geograph
11.00 4 short presentation
11.45 Conference photo
12.00 Break out sessions
13.00 Lunch
1.45 Break out sessions
2.30 Coffee
2.45 3-4 short presentation
3.30 Final session - feed back from break outs, Q&A, announcements, Geograph 2
4.00 – 4.15 Finish
17.00 - late Unconference in a nearby Tavern
- More details to follow...