Graves with Headstones of Occupation

Creative Commons License Text by Adrian S Pye, September 2020 ; This work is dedicated to the Public Domain.
Images are under a separate Creative Commons Licence.

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Image Occupation
TG2108 : The grave of George Potter (detail) by Evelyn Simakcrewman, man o' war
TM5393 : Headstone of James Larkman, Drifterman (detail) by Adrian S Pyedrifterman
TM4250 : Headstone of John Green of Orford by Adrian S Pyeseaman & explorer
TG5208 : Detail of the headstone of Robert Thomas Read by Adrian S Pyecaptain of a steam tug
TM5494 : Headstone of John Harvey Golder by Adrian S Pyeharbour pilot
TF6219 : King's Lynn Borough Council Cemetery (north) by Evelyn Simakwherryman
TM4198 : Norfolk wherry on Joseph Bexfield's gravestone, Thurlton by Evelyn Simakwherryman


Image Occupation
TG2108 : Headstone of Bombardier, John S Mower by Adrian S Pyeartilleryman
TM5393 : Headstone of William Sanders R.A,  (detail) by Adrian S Pyeartilleryman
TG2408 : The grave of Colour Sergeant George James Pope (detail) by Evelyn SimakColour Sergeant
NO0840 : Diver's gravestone. Caputh graveyard. by Martyn Gorman Diver
TG2108 : Headstone of Cpl. Walter Whitmore by Adrian S Pyefusilier
TG2109 : Headstone of Ernest F Parsons, Fusilier by Adrian S Pyefusilier
TG2408 : Gravestone symbolism (Crossed lances) by Evelyn Simaklancer
TL4859 : Headstone of George A V Hooks,  seaplane pilot by Adrian S PyeRoyal Naval Air Service
TM5393 : Headstone of Sidney W Eagle by Adrian S PyeRoyal Flying Corps
TG2108 : The grave of James and Margaret Everett (detail) by Evelyn Simaksoldier
TG0442 : St Mary's church - headstone detail by Evelyn Simaksoldier


Image Occupation
TG2408 : Rosary cemetery, Norwich - gravestone (detail) by Evelyn Simakrailwayman
TG2408 : Rosary cemetery, Norwich - Charles Martin Collerson by Evelyn Simakrailwayman
TG2408 : Rosary cemetery, Norwich - gravestone detail by Evelyn Simakrailwayman
TM2844 : Grave of Cecil F Alborough, signalman by Adrian S Pyerailway signalman
TM5393 : The headstone of John Neale Nicklin (detail) by Adrian S Pyeengine driver
TM5393 : Headstone to Harry John READ, Railwayman by Adrian S Pyeengine driver
SO9564 : An unfortunate death, Hanbury Church by Chris Allensalt mine worker


Image Occupation
TM2145 : Detail on the grave of John Chilcot, Horse Dealer by Adrian S Pyehorse dealer
TM0760 : Bowl of Hygieia on Stowupland monument by Adrian S Pyepharmacist - physician
NO5367 : Grave stone detail by jamesnicolltailor


Image Occupation
TM5494 : Headstone of blacksmith William N Cooke by Adrian S Pyeblacksmith
NT7771 : A symbolic gravestone at St Helens Churchyard, Cockburnspath by Walter Baxterblacksmith
TG1901 : Headstone of Robert Spurgeon at Mulbarton by Adrian S Pyebuilder
SO0328 : Distinctive gravestone in St David's Churchyard, Llanfaes, Brecon by Jaggerybuilder
TM3488 : Detail of William Atmeare's headstone by Adrian S Pyefireman
TM2952 : Headstone in Ufford churchyard by Adrian S Pyegardener
TG1439 : All Saints' church - gravestone (detail) by Evelyn Simakgrave digger (possibly)
TG2108 : Monument in Earlham cemetery by Evelyn Simakhorse dealer
TM3674 : Walter Aldridge, 50 years miller of this parish by Adrian S Pyemiller
TF6101 : St Mary's church in Denver - churchyard by Evelyn Simakmiller
TM2397 : Headstone of Thomas Barnham,  pump-sinker by Adrian S Pyepump sinker
TG2109 : The grave of William George Pye (detail) by Evelyn Simakroofer
TM1178 : The headstone of John Catchpole  (detail) by Adrian S Pyewaggoner


Image Occupation
TG3202 : George Basey's gravestone - detail by Evelyn Simakfarmer
TG3202 : Ann Basey's gravestone - detail by Evelyn Simakfarmer's wife
NX6378 : A gamekeeper’s gravestone at Kells Parish Churchyard by Walter Baxtergamekeeper
TM4276 : The headstone of Samuel Croft by Adrian S Pyeploughman
SU3158 : Fosbury - Christ Church by Chris Talbotshepherd


Image Occupation
TF8320 : St Mary's church in Rougham - gravestone (detail) by Evelyn Simakcompany director

Part-time - Hobby - Interest

Image Occupation
NS2776 : Gravestone of John Fleming by Lairich Rigartist
TG2108 : Leaning cross in Section Z by Evelyn Simakbandsman
TM5076 : St Edmund's church in Southwold - churchyard by Evelyn Simakcampanologist
TM0495 : Pyramid in Attleborough Cemetery by Adrian S PyeEgyptologist
NJ9304 : James Scott Skinner Gravestone, Allanvale Cemetery. by Colin Smith violinist
TM2648 : Headstone of a simple man - Horace Reynolds (Poll) by Adrian S Pyevolunteer traffic controller


Image Occupation
NT2374 : Grave of Jock Porter, Scotland's first TT winner by ronnie leaskTT Rider

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