Images shortlisted for GOTY, 2006
- A: Aaron Thomas to Andrew Longton
- A: Andrew Smith to Arnold Price
- B
- C: Callum Black to Chris Upson
- C: Chris Wimbush to Colin Smith
- D: Danny P Robinson to Derek Brown
- D: Derek Harper to DS Pugh
- E to G
- H
- I
- J: Jackie Harman to John Allan
- J: John Berry to Julian Dowse
- K
- L
- M: Margaret Clough to Mervyn R Body
- M: michael ely to MSX
- N to O
- P: Pam Brophy to Penny Mayes
- P: Pete Greatbatch to Pierre Terre
- R: R Lee to Richard Thomas
- R: Richard Webb to Rupert Fleetingly
- S
- T to W
- Leaderboard
C: Callum Black to Chris Upson
Callum Black (2831) 6
Cathy Cox (2511) 2
Cedwyn Davies (6713) 2
Charles Rispin (7301) 1
Chris Cole (4675) 1
Chris Court (1576) 1
Chris Eilbeck (1105) 12
Chris Heaton (3298) 9
Chris Tweedy (4115) 1
Chris Upson (2067) 17
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