This is a quiz to help the navigator of a vehicle on a road tell the driver what will be seen, where to stop. Each map is an extract from the Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 scale map, and the blue circle on each map is over a map symbol. (If you use the mouse to move the pointer over the blue circle, it disappears, making it easier to see the symbol.)
What is the symbol? What would you see?
To see answer, click word Reveal between braces { click again to hide}
The Ordnance Survey symbols article has links to the OS list of symbols, and also to Geograph photos showing examples of what the symbols depict.
Answer:{ A church (or other religious building) with tower } photo
Symbol is red line of short dashes south of road. What is it, and what would you expect to see at the roadside? { Symbol is for public footpath, there is often a sign where the path leaves the road.} photo
What does the line of dashes both sides of the yellow road show? { Unfenced road} photo
What does the arrowhead across the road show? { steep hill} photo
What is the symbol? And where is the item located?{ phone box at the road junction - there is a line from the phone symbol to the road junction.} photo
What is the green area on both sides of the road?{ coniferous wood.} photo
What are the red diamond symbols? Do they mean it is a motorable road?{ Long distance path - may or may not be on a motorable road} photo
What do the dotted lines under the blue circle show? { The dual carriageway road goes into a tunnel} photo
What might you see as you drive along this road?{ The letters LC stand for Level Crossing - so you might see flashing lights, level crossing gates, and then a train on the level crossing} photo
What do the blue dotted areas both sides of the road show? { Orchards.} photo
What is the rectangle with cross hatching inside?{ A glass structure - usually a greenhouse. } photo
The symbol by the road junction is a thin triangle with a stepped line across the top. What is it? { A mast - usually a radio or TV mast.} photo
And this symbol is a vertical line with an X on top. What is it? { A wind pump. A similar but larger symbol is a wind generator.} photo
What do the symbols both sides at the top of the road show? { The road is in a cutting. } photo
What does the letter P stand for?{ Post Office.} photo
There is a line of alternate dots and dashes. What is it? And what might you see driving along the road{ County boundary, and a county boundary sign. ).} photo
A black line with Vs beside it crosses the road. What would you see along the line? And at a V symbol? { A power line, with pylons - but the Vs are conventionally spaced, there may not be a pylon at a "V".} photo
There is a line across the road in the blue circle. What is it? { A gate - or possibly a cattle grid - across the road.} photo