Beauty of Outdoor Places of London
Many moons ago, My Society created ScenicOrNot, an online project to rate images sourced from Geograph. Asking users to rate them for subjective beauty, collecting over 1.5 Million votes. Link
Fast forward to 2017 and 'Artificial Intelligence' systems have progressed, so much so that researchers at University of Warwick have trained a computer algorithm to do something similar Link . Trained with data from ScenicOrNot, the algorithm can estimate a scenicness rating of its own. Can read the paper here: Link
(no idea the sum total of computing power it took!)
... so to test it out the same researchers then ran the algorithm on a large batch of images from Geograph in the London area; producing a interesting dataset of the 'beauty' of London (Because geograph has many photos, over 240,000 when processed, offers a highly granular breakdown. Available here: Link )
To that end we have produced a map plotting these predictions, available here: Link .
shows the aggregate prediction on scale of 1-10, getting more detailed as zoom in.
We also have a map of just the most scenic photos: Link
Finally some images from the thousands processed with high predicted 'Beauty':
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