14 Photos : Geological interest, East Scotland, 2000s
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- NJ6466 Folded Rocks at Stake Ness by Anne Burgess
- ND2835 Sea Cliffs at Mid Clyth by Doug Lee
- NJ5866 Incoming Tide by Anne Burgess
- NJ5067 The Three Kings by John Allan
- NJ3114 North end of Craigs of Moniewhitt in winter by Richard Burn
- NN6843 Coire Phadairlidh by Richard Webb
- NO3375 Scrambling up The Snub by Gwen and James Anderson
- NT5386 The Lamb by Lisa Jarvis
- NH9712 Erratic boulder by Gordon Brown
- NO2777 Rock pinnacle on Cairn Broadlands by stuart anthony
- NT4419 Looking Northeast from the Crags on the South side of Leap Linn by Iain Lees
- NO5614 The cleft close up by James Allan
- NT6381 Red Rocks by Eileen Henderson