Geograph Knowledgebase / FAQ


what is a thumbed photo?
What makes a good Geograph?
Could you please tell me where clay pool lane is in camphill nuneaton as it is not showin this on ur maps thank you
Something seems to be broken - where can I report bugs?
Why are you introducing Geographical Context?

Viewing Images

I've seen little thumbs-up symbols around the site, what are they?
What are those little thumbs to the right of the images about?
I've spotted a mistake. What should I do?

Reusing Geograph Content

Can I use photos in publication?

Photo Contributors

What makes a good Geograph?
Can I replace a year old photo with an identical one of better quality?
How do I find the use if my photos ,thumbed ,etc
How do you cite on geograph co uk
I've got a photo of an unknown castle (harbour, sheepfold,...) - do you know where it is?
How do I write a word in italics for the scientific name of an organism?
I have just joined the site and wondered if I could upload photos with link to my own website on them
How do I delete a shared description I created in error?
How do I add a shared description to a submited photo?
Can I use someone else's text in my description?
How do I get a list of my photos as a CSV?

Photo Contributors :: Contributing

how do I link two photos
I have an interesting old photograph/postcard, can I submit it to Geograph?
What are shared descriptions, and how can I add them?
How do I create links between my pics and between my pics and other pics
How do I put web links, URL's or links to geograph pictures into descriptions?
How accurate do I have to locate photos to submit to Geograph?
How do I choose tags for my images?
I don't know when photo was taken
Can I upload an annotated version of a photograph to point out particular features?

Finding way in the forum

I've got a picture of an insect (plant, pillbox, locomotive...). Can you help identify it for me?

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