Geograph Knowledgebase / FAQ
- Can I find out which of my images have been re-used on other websites?
- Geograph itself hasn't got any data on re-use of images downloaded from here. It wouldn't even be possible to determine who downloaded it in most cases. Google image search
is quite good at finding copies of an image elsewhere on the web. Just drag and drop the image onto the search bar. But of course there's no guarantee that it'll find all other instances of each photo.
If you find an interesting website re-using your or other Geograph photos, consider posting it on the forum thread
(from a support request sent to ) - Do I need to resize my photos before upload? Are there size limits?
- You can upload images of any dimensions, portrait or landscape, but the file size needs to be under 8 megabytes. We do resize them so their longest dimension is 640 pixels on the main photo page. Optionally, you can also release larger versions of various sizes for downloading and re-use.
We only accept JPEG encoded images. If you have any image in another format it will need to be converted.
Ideally images shouldn't have a longest dimension of fewer than 480 pixels. While we might accept such images if they hold particular interest, we would really prefer a larger image.
We do record the EXIF headers from your original image, so it is advantageous to upload your original camera image or use image editing software that maintains the EXIF data if you want this information to be kept (but we don't currently make use of the data).
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