Geograph Knowledgebase / FAQ


What is Geographing?
Open source? Creative Commons? What's that all about?
Who built this marvellous site?

Viewing Images

Counties, I'm confused, which do you display?
What are those little thumbs to the right of the images about?

Photo Contributors

Any rule about cloning out? Should one blurr out faces of people in the photo? What about ugly wires, aerials?
Can I ask for a fee if someone would like to use my images in a publication?

Photo Contributors :: Contributing

Can I upload an annotated version of a photograph to point out particular features?

Points and Moderation

Do you accept multiple images per square?
Why do only some photos get a Geograph point?
Are all photo's taken outside of a grid square "cross-grids"?
family snap

Finding way in the forum

What is the Photo of the Week / Year competition?
Can I suggest a photo for the front page of Geograph?
How can I show a picture on the forum?

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