Geograph Knowledgebase / FAQ


I've added a question and answer to the FAQ, when will it appear?
Which squares have the most pictures on Geograph?
Could you please tell me where clay pool lane is in camphill nuneaton as it is not showin this on ur maps thank you

Viewing Images

How do I view EXIF details for a photo on Geograph?
Can I subscribe to a square and receive a notification when new photos are added to it?

Photo Contributors

I've had a complaint about one of my pictures. What should I do?
Has any of my pictures ever featured as the front page picture?
Can I use someone else's text in my description?
How do I get a list of my photos as a CSV?
I'm a competitive pub (trigpoint, peacock, door knocker...) collector. Is there a specific leaderboard for me?

Photo Contributors :: Contributing

How can I take better photos?
Is there a way to enter latitude and longitude directly when submitting?

Points and Moderation

Is there a table of how many new points I acquire per month?
family snap

Finding way in the forum

Can I edit my post on the discussion forum?

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