Geograph Knowledgebase / FAQ


How long after submission do the purple viewpoint markers appear on the coverage map?
What makes a good Geograph?
Something seems to be broken - where can I report bugs?
I have changed my email address. Can I change the existing email address or do I have to reregister?

Viewing Images

I disagree with the location or title of an image - what can I do?
I've spotted a mistake. What should I do?
Can I subscribe to a square and receive a notification when new photos are added to it?

Reusing Geograph Content

Do you have an RSS feed?

Photo Contributors

Does Geograph accept interior photographs?
I've uploaded a picture, why is the square still green on my personal map?

Photo Contributors :: Contributing

What are shared descriptions, and how can I add them?
Is there a way to enter latitude and longitude directly when submitting?

Points and Moderation

What is a Supplemental image?
Are all photo's taken outside of a grid square "cross-grids"?
family snap
I've had a photo made a 'supplemental' - what does that mean?

Finding way in the forum

I've got a picture of an insect (plant, pillbox, locomotive...). Can you help identify it for me?

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