Geo-Trips :: Mynydd Tywi trig and Moel Prysgau bothy
Hill road between Abergwesyn and Tregaron
A cycle ride from Just north of Dolgoch hostel, Sun, 2 Jul 2023 by Richard Law
Photos on this geotrip were all taken as part of an overnight visit to the Moel Prysgau bothy with my brothers. I left them cutting up 'discs' of felled trees for the fire, while I nipped up to bag the trig during the evening.
The route in the valley follows an old road, quite possibly a drove route, between the Tywi valley and Strata Florida, and is now much used by the 4x4 and motocross brigades. We saw nobody driving it while we were on the bikes, but met two guys who'd parked up to make themselves a meal near the bothy, and then slept in their landrovers. The track shows many signs of use by heavy vehicles, which is to be expected as it's a byway. Some of the fords are impressively deep, even in mid summer, as the track basically goes up/down the river bed in a couple of places, so be prepared to wade a couple of times if you're walking or cycling it.
Click the blue circles to see a photograph taken from that spot and read further information about the location. The blue lines indicate the direction of view. There is also a slideshow of this trip. ( )
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Downhill towards the road bridge over the Tywi
Lane on the hillside
Looking back in the general direction of Abergwesyn on the lane that crosses the... more
Heading for Moel Prysgau bothy
Two brothers (the third one being their photographer for the trip) heading up the... more
The track towards Nant-ystalwyn
A right of way, much used by bikes and off-road vehicles, that crosses the hills... more
The track towards Nant-ystalwyn
Bikepacking on the byway to Strata Florida
Riding along the popular off-road track to Strata Florida, en route to a night in... more
First watersplash on the byway
The first of several fords, this one being across the Nant Tadarn; the pools get... more
A gate on the byway to Strata Florida
This gate into the forestry provides a good excuse to stop for a breather, on the... more
In the forest below Drum Nantyrhelyg
The forest has been clearfelled on the hillside above this section of track, so it... more
Forest track below the hillside of Drum Nantyrhelyg
Fording the stream
One of many wet crossings and re-crossings of the river on this heavily used 4x4... more
Heading north along the byway
On the way to an overnight at Moel Prysgau bothy
Decisions, decisions...
To go for it on the bike, or to walk? Which option would you take?
(Hint - the... more
We rode around this one, rather than through it
Seemed a wise move, given that the puddle appears bottomless. In reality it's... more
Shallower than many of the puddles
The eroded track to Strata Florida has many of these fords and puddles, where the... more
Another one of indeterminate depth
One of many fords - the track here simply ploughs straight through the depths of... more
That one's clearly rideable
Rideable on a bike without even getting your feet wet, in fact, as my brother... more
Moel Prysgau bothy
An abandoned farmstead in the valley of the Tywi, now cared for by the Mountain... more
Lon Las Cymru and the pedestrian access down to Moel Prysgau bothy
Lon Las Cymru in the forests of Moel Prysgau
Part of the popular Lon Las Cymru cycle route across mid Wales, which follows the... more
Forest track on the hillside below Esgair Saeson
Forest track above the Tywi Fechan valley
View from a forest track
A view across Cwm Tywi Fechan from the track that runs through the forests above it.
Track junction above Cwm Tywi Fechan
The left option goes downhill, back towards the valley of the Nant Gwinau, whilst... more
Boggy pools at the head of the valley
As others have noted [[739556]] & [[7367190]], this is probably one of the... more
Firebreak below Mynydd Tywi
A little way to the SW of the summit and trig, and easily followed to the top
Trig pillar on Mynydd Tywi
This is currently well hidden by the young trees - finding it involves a bit of... more
Moel Prsygau bothy
The main 'living' room in the bothy. There's a good stove in the old open... more
All images © Richard Law and available under a
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