Pevsner says "Quite sizeable ... Nave and aisles under one roof; lower chancel. This is all externally of the mid-18th century with two-light cusped ogee windows of 1873. The chancel N wall has three early mediaeval headstone crosses built in, but the great surprise is the interior and its S arcade of four bays. This is of c. 1150 and consists of four Roman monolithic columns, probably from Chesters {in
NY9170}. Very simple, rather low moulded capitals and double-chamfered pointed arches. The N arcade has 14th C octagonal piers, also with double-chamfered arches."
The church was remodelled to its present Victorian Gothic form in 1873. The south aisle was reduced in width, and the chancel shortened slightly. All the windows were replaced in a free 14th/15th C Gothic style. {Source: Saint Giles, Chollerton - church booklet.}