SK7929 : The Castle Inn, Christmas Day 2008
taken 16 years ago, near to Eaton, Leicestershire, England

The Castle Inn, Christmas Day 2008
This is the last instalment of the development at the Castle Inn, the only pub in Eaton, once threatened with closure and redevelopment as a residential property. Both these new houses, built on part of the land to the side of the pub, are now occupied although it has taken a whole 22 months for the left hand one to be completed. Compare with SK7929 : Castle Inn, Vicarage Lane, Eaton, Leicestershire and SK7929 : Christmas Drinks at the Castle Inn! taken on Christmas Day 2005 before there was any inkling of what was to happen here; SK7929 : Castle Inn, Eaton, Leicestershire, in the Spring 2007 not long after work began and on Christmas Day of the same year, SK7929 : Castle Inn, Eaton and SK7929 : The Castle Inn, Eaton. One benefit of this development was the condition placed on the planning consent that the pub should provide a replacement for the village shop that closed in the Summer of 2005.
Taken 12.00 noon, Christmas Day 2008
Taken 12.00 noon, Christmas Day 2008
See other images of Midday Christmas 2008