taken 19 years ago, near to Seaton Sluice, Northumberland, England
The Cut
The early improvements to Seaton Sluice Harbour were not entirely successful due to the limited depth of water in the natural harbour and ships had to be part-loaded then taken out into deeper water at the entrance of the harbour to be loaded to their full capacity by keel boats. By the middle of the 18th century Sir John Hussey Delaval in conjunction with his brother, Thomas Delaval, had drawn up plans and specifications to cut a new harbour eastward through solid rock. Tenders were invited in August 1761 in the Newcastle Courant and by 1764 the work was completed. A major engineering feat in its day the 'cut, or 'gut' as it is now locally known, was some 270 metres long. 9 metres wide, 15 metres deep.
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