taken 15 years ago, near to Bishop's Wood, Staffordshire, England
The Royal Oak
Or to be more precise Son of Royal Oak. The original tree in which King Charles hid to avoid his Parliamentarian pursuers was destroyed in the C18th by over zealous souvenir hunters hacking bits off the poor thing. However from an acorn from that original tree this Son was born and nurtured, and it is now nearly 300 years old. It stands in approximately the same place as the original. Another oak sapling, grown from this latter tree has been planted nearby (by Prince Charles in 2001), so Grandson of Royal Oak is ready and waiting in the wings. This is just as well as calamity struck this present tree in a storm resulting in the damage seen in
SJ8308 : Son of Royal Oak - Storm damage. There is a plaque outside the railings which can be seen here
SJ8308 : Royal Oak commemorative plaque
Note : Another
SJ8308 : Grandson of Royal Oak existed long before the 2001 seedling however (click on link to read more)
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