SJ1888 : Steps and a bench mark at the north end of Hilbre Island
taken 16 years ago, 3 km from West Kirby, Wirral, England
Steps and a bench mark at the north end of Hilbre Island
A beautiful clear day at the north end of Hilbre Island. The steps were obviously carved for a reason but they don't seem to go anywhere today, and the rusty iron posts don't afford much protection from the drop beyond. On the right the sandstone wall is part of the old lifeboat station, and on the left of the top step the dome of an Ordnance Survey OSBM bolt can be been set in the rock - see
SJ1888 : OSBM bolt on Hilbre Island. On the horizon it is just possible to see what I think is the Hoyle Bank wind farm.
Image classification
Geograph (Fourth Visitor for SJ1888)
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