SO6525 : Mistletoe, coming soon to a market near you
taken 15 years ago, near to Linton, County of Herefordshire, England

Mistletoe, coming soon to a market near you
A parasitic plant which grows as a hanging bush on host trees. The flowers appear late in the autumn, and the fruits, or berries, follow soon after. 'Viscum album' is the most common variety in Europe and can be found in southern England and Wales. The plant reproduces itself naturally with the assistance of birds such as the mistle thrush. Their droppings, which contain the seeds, land on a tree's bark and germinate. Sometimes the sticky flesh containing the seed sticks to the bird's beak. The bird may then wipe it off by rubbing its beak against the bark of a neighbouring tree. The seed sticks to the bark and starts to grow. See also Link