NS8283 : Stream beside footpath
taken 15 years ago, near to Denny, Falkirk, Scotland

Stream beside footpath
The stream flows parallel to and just west of the section of footpath shown in NS8283 : Footpath to Larbert. About 100 metres upstream from the road, a waterfall cascades into a large area that was once a quarry. That area is now filled with trees, and choked with litter; however, in this view, the falls can be seen in the distance, towards the upper left of the photo. For a closer view, see NS8283 : Waterfall at site of old quarry.
Footpath: Denovan to Larbert :: NS8382
The footpath begins at Denovan Road, follows a track just north of Kirkland Farm, and then crosses the M876 by means of a footbridge; it skirts the northern edge of the Forth Valley Royal Hospital site, and ends by meeting the A9 in Larbert. See also NS8482 : The Old Denny Road.