NS8283 : Footpath to Denovan
taken 15 years ago, near to Denny, Falkirk, Scotland
This is 1 of 2 images, with title Footpath to Denovan in this square

Footpath to Denovan
Another route branches off from the Larbert to Denovan path at this point; see NS8283 : Footpath to Torwood. This is a three-way footpath junction; the other path leading from this point is NS8283 : Footpath to Larbert.
Footpath: Denovan to Larbert :: NS8382
The footpath begins at Denovan Road, follows a track just north of Kirkland Farm, and then crosses the M876 by means of a footbridge; it skirts the northern edge of the Forth Valley Royal Hospital site, and ends by meeting the A9 in Larbert. See also NS8482 : The Old Denny Road.