NS8383 : Footpath to Denovan
taken 15 years ago, near to Denny, Falkirk, Scotland

Footpath to Denovan
Only a short section of the path lies within this grid square.
Rasp Wood is to the left (south) of the path; to the north, there is now a field, but the part of it that is adjacent to the path was formerly occupied by Black Wood; see NS8383 : Fields and dry-stone wall.
Rasp Wood is to the left (south) of the path; to the north, there is now a field, but the part of it that is adjacent to the path was formerly occupied by Black Wood; see NS8383 : Fields and dry-stone wall.
Footpath: Denovan to Larbert :: NS8382
The footpath begins at Denovan Road, follows a track just north of Kirkland Farm, and then crosses the M876 by means of a footbridge; it skirts the northern edge of the Forth Valley Royal Hospital site, and ends by meeting the A9 in Larbert. See also NS8482 : The Old Denny Road.