NM4327 : Red Gate, Tavool House
taken 19 years ago, near to Burgh, Isle of Mull, Argyll And Bute, Scotland
Red Gate, Tavool House
- Grid Square
- NM4327, 8 images (more nearby 🔍)
- Photographer
- Mick Garratt (more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Sunday, 28 May, 2006 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Monday, 5 June, 2006
- Subject Location
OSGB36: NM 438 273 [100m precision]
WGS84: 56:22.1036N 6:9.0182W - Camera Location
- OSGB36: NM 438 273
- View Direction
- WEST (about 270 degrees)