NS2973 : Lurg Moor Roman fortlet
taken 15 years ago, 3 km from Greenock, Inverclyde, Scotland
This is 1 of 5 images, with title Lurg Moor Roman fortlet in this square

Lurg Moor Roman fortlet
Lurg Moor is the best preserved of three fortlets that were built to monitor the vulnerable western end of the Antonine Wall, where, at that time, the River Clyde could be crossed on foot at low tide. The other two fortlets were Outerwards (NS2366; see Link
at Canmore), excavated in 1970, and Whitemoss (NS4172; see Link
at Canmore).
[The end-note gives a link to an annotated satellite image, which shows several of the antiquities on this moor.]
The present photograph is a view along the rampart on the eastern side; the rampart is positioned centrally in the photograph, with the interior of the fortlet to its left, and part of the surrounding ditch to the right (it is here, on the eastern side, that the ditch survives to the greatest depth). The line of the rampart can easily be followed on the ground, when on the site in person. However, there is no suitably elevated vantage point nearby from which to show the fortlet photographically in its entirety, but see the end-note for some aerial views.
Other photographs: see Link for the northern rampart, Link for the southern rampart, and Link for the south-western corner of the structure.
Nearby, there are several signs of considerably earlier occupation and use of the moor: see, for example, NS2973 : Hut circle on Lurg Moor, 280 metres to the east; another NS2973 : Hut circle, 390 metres to the south-east; a third NS2973 : Hut circle, 310 metres to the south; and a rock outcrop, only 60 metres to the west, which was a lithic working site, where stone was worked into tools (see Link for photographs); further to the SSE are NS3072 : Remains of enclosures.
[While exploring the vicinity of the last-mentioned enclosures, I encountered what may possibly be hitherto unrecorded hut circles: see NS3072 : Possible hut circles on Burnhead Moor and NS3072 : Possible hut circle on Burnhead Moor.]
Details in the background: on the other side of the Clyde, the peninsula of Ardmore Point is visible directly behind the rampart, with (from left to right) the neighbouring peaks of Ben Bowie (NS3382) and Killoeter (NS3481) behind it. Towards the left-hand edge, Helensburgh (NS2982) and Craigendoran (NS3181) are on the far shore of the river, while Highlandman's Wood (NS2884) covers the slopes above; behind them, on the skyline, are the hills around Glen Fruin. On the right, the village of Cardross is on the shore, with the high moors between Darleith Muir (NS3482) and Carman Hill (NS3779) visible behind them.

[The end-note gives a link to an annotated satellite image, which shows several of the antiquities on this moor.]
The present photograph is a view along the rampart on the eastern side; the rampart is positioned centrally in the photograph, with the interior of the fortlet to its left, and part of the surrounding ditch to the right (it is here, on the eastern side, that the ditch survives to the greatest depth). The line of the rampart can easily be followed on the ground, when on the site in person. However, there is no suitably elevated vantage point nearby from which to show the fortlet photographically in its entirety, but see the end-note for some aerial views.
Other photographs: see Link for the northern rampart, Link for the southern rampart, and Link for the south-western corner of the structure.
Nearby, there are several signs of considerably earlier occupation and use of the moor: see, for example, NS2973 : Hut circle on Lurg Moor, 280 metres to the east; another NS2973 : Hut circle, 390 metres to the south-east; a third NS2973 : Hut circle, 310 metres to the south; and a rock outcrop, only 60 metres to the west, which was a lithic working site, where stone was worked into tools (see Link for photographs); further to the SSE are NS3072 : Remains of enclosures.
[While exploring the vicinity of the last-mentioned enclosures, I encountered what may possibly be hitherto unrecorded hut circles: see NS3072 : Possible hut circles on Burnhead Moor and NS3072 : Possible hut circle on Burnhead Moor.]
Details in the background: on the other side of the Clyde, the peninsula of Ardmore Point is visible directly behind the rampart, with (from left to right) the neighbouring peaks of Ben Bowie (NS3382) and Killoeter (NS3481) behind it. Towards the left-hand edge, Helensburgh (NS2982) and Craigendoran (NS3181) are on the far shore of the river, while Highlandman's Wood (NS2884) covers the slopes above; behind them, on the skyline, are the hills around Glen Fruin. On the right, the village of Cardross is on the shore, with the high moors between Darleith Muir (NS3482) and Carman Hill (NS3779) visible behind them.
Lurg Moor Roman fortlet
This is one of three fortlets that were built south of the River Clyde to control the approaches to the western end of the Antonine Wall. See Link
(at Canmore) for archaeological details, and Link
for an annotated satellite image (zoom out for other nearby antiquities).