SP0600 : Church of St Michael and All Angels, Harnhill
taken 15 years ago, near to Harnhill, Gloucestershire, England

By Brian Robert Marshall
The tiny and relatively unadorned Norman church dates from the late 13th century. The tower is relatively unusual for these parts in having a pitched stone-tiled roof. Possibly the tower was a bell cote. The tower was altered in the 18th century. There is a similar example almost 40 kilometres south in Wiltshire Link which is plainly a bell cote. The church underwent restoration in 1909.
Inside the church is a list of rectors of the church from 1302 to 1969. It can be seen here Link
Not all the rectors were pillars of rectitude. One was described as “a suttel man, an untrew man, a craftye fellow and a perjured man” before being unfrocked.