Scotland has a long tradition of 'rags to riches' stories, but few can be as extraordinary as that of the working-class milkman in post-war austerity Britain who became an accomplished actor and the world's most glamorous male filmstar in the 'Swinging Sixties' and beyond. The plaque is on a block of modern flats in Fountainbridge, close to the site of the demolished tenement where Connery grew up and where his father worked at the nearby North British Rubber Company's Castle Mill works.
"When I took a taxi during a recent Edinburgh Film Festival, the cabbie was amazed that I could put a name to every street we passed. "How come?" he asked. "As a boy I used to deliver milk round here," I said. "So what do you do now?" That was rather harder to answer." -- Sean Connery, Being A Scot, 2008
Don't the buildings in Bruntsfield NT2472 : Bruntsfield often fall over? Or is there a Pisa-type leaning city preservation society that keeps shoring it up?