SU1330 : Summer Saturday at Salisbury: Up WR and Down SR trains
taken 61 years ago, near to Salisbury, Wiltshire, England
Summer Saturday at Salisbury: Up WR and Down SR trains
View eastward, towards Basingstoke and London, also Eastleigh and Poole on the SR; ex-L&SW London/Romsey/Eastleigh/Poole - Salisbury - Exeter main lines, on the ex-GWR to Westbury, Bristol etc. On the left ex-GW 4-6-0 No. 6917 'Oldlands Hall' (6/41 - 9/65) has taken over the 10.34 Portsmouth - Cardiff express; on the right Bulleid (rebuilt) Light Pacific No. 34017 'Ilfracombe' (12/45 - rebuilt 11/57 - 10/66) heads the 10.45 Waterloo - Lyme Regis/Seaton express. (Hordes of kids watch).
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