NY9074 : St Christopher's Church, GunnertonNY9074 : Church of Saint Christopher, GunnertonNY9074 : Interior of St. Christopher's Church, GunnertonNY9074 : Stained glass window, St Christopher's ChurchIn 2007, architect Vincente Stienlet won the Hadrian Award for renovation of St Christopher's Parish Church at Gunnerton.
The church dates from 1899 and was designed by John Cyril Hawes
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hawes who went on to be a priest and architect, building extensively in Australia, and finally becoming a hermit on Cat Island in the Bahamas. He always thought of St Christopher's Church as his best work.
Prior to 2007, the building had fallen into disrepair. Vincente Stienlet was commissioned to sensitively restore the Grade II listed church to its former glory, but also create a community facility for social, education and leisure activities.
The Church now boasts it's original interior vibrant colour scheme of peacock blue, warm red and Indian red enhanced by a spectacular new circular stained glass window at the west end by William Tillyer FRSA
http://www.tillyer.com/news/archive/2007/04/25/Stained_glass_window__i nstallation_at_Gunnerton_Church.http://www.architecture.com/RegionsAndInternational/UKNationsAndRegion s/England/RIBANorthEast/Awards/RIBA%20Awards/HadrianAwards2007/StChris tophersParishChurch.aspx