NY7540 : Ashgill Force
taken 13 years ago, near to Garrigill, Cumbria, England
This is 1 of 11 images, with title Ashgill Force in this square

Ashgill Force
- Grid Square
- NY7540, 126 images (more nearby 🔍)
- Photographer
- Adie Jackson (more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Friday, 26 August, 2011 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Wednesday, 21 September, 2011
- Subject Location
NY 7587 4049 [10m precision]
WGS84: 54:45.5259N 2:22.5889W - Camera Location
NY 7581 4046
- View Direction
- East-northeast (about 67 degrees)