TQ2883 : Park Village West
taken 13 years ago, near to Camden Town, Camden, England
This is 1 of 4 images, with title Park Village West in this square

Park Village West
Ian Nairn writing in 1966 in 'Nairn's London' said of Park Village West: "(John) Nash built two Park Villages, or miniature suburbs, as part of his great scheme. The eastern village was soon cut into by the railway and is only a fragment. But Park Village west, off Albany Street, is almost complete, a perfect example of rus-in-urbe. In a few yards, you are plunged entirely into the leafy oasis: serpentine road and copious trees... Though obviously not in the country, you are a hundred miles from London. Tower House, the prettiest of all..." Tower House is on the left of this photograph, partly hidden by the tree.