TL1283 : Bale cart with a chaser
taken 14 years ago, near to Great Gidding, Cambridgeshire, England
This is 1 of 2 images, with title Bale cart with a chaser in this square

Bale cart with a chaser
A bale chaser is a unique piece of farm machinery that can pick up and stack large rectangular straw bales without the need to stop. Hydraulics and electric motors feature strongly in the design. As the driver follows a line of bales each one is nudged by the mechanism on the front of the tractor to make the bale turn round so that the mechanical fork can stab it and raise it onto the stacking deck. When full the operator tips the bed so that the bales are standing six high with binding layers.
To see how a stack is formed see TL4498 : Building a straw stack near March - Photo 1 of 5
To see how a stack is formed see TL4498 : Building a straw stack near March - Photo 1 of 5