TQ8532 : Oast House at Little Halden Farm, Smallhythe Road, Rolvenden, Kent
taken 18 years ago, near to Rolvenden, Kent, England
This is 1 of 2 images, with title Oast House at Little Halden Farm, Smallhythe Road, Rolvenden, Kent in this square

Oast House at Little Halden Farm, Smallhythe Road, Rolvenden, Kent
See other images of Listed Oast Houses
Oast Houses
An Oast House is a building used to dry fresh hops before they are sent to the brewers, to be used for flavouring beer. A traditional Oast House consists of the 'oast' and the 'stowage'. The oast was a kiln, with a plenum chamber fired by charcoal at ground floor and the drying floor directly above. The steep pitched roof channelled the hot air through the hops to the top. The stowage, was the barn section, it had a cooling floor and press at first floor and storage area at ground floor. Read more Link
Little Halden Farm Oast
Twin square and single round kiln oast house.
Grade II listed.