NS2475 : Ravenscraig Stadium from the Greenock Cut

taken 12 years ago, near to Braeside, Inverclyde, Scotland

Ravenscraig Stadium from the Greenock Cut
Ravenscraig Stadium from the Greenock Cut
Inverclyde Academy sports pitches are in the foreground, the Firth of Clyde and Loch Long are in the distance.
Queen Elizabeth II Fields

To mark the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, and also the London Olympic Games, in 2012, Fields in Trust (the trading name of the National Playing Fields Association) set up the Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge. The scheme mirrored in many respects the King George Field programme of 1935 in that it aimed to give protection in perpetuity to free outdoor recreational spaces. Whereas the 1935 scheme largely resulted in new spaces, to a large extent the 2012 Challenge involved funding of improvements to existing open space.
The fundamental link is that open space associated with Fields in Trust cannot be disposed of without the Trust's consent.
The Queen Elizabeth II Fields Challenge has resulted in around 1600 spaces across the UK* being designated, totalling over 20,000 acres of protected recreational space. Each location is awarded a heraldic plaque cast in aluminium, 40cm in diameter including the royal coat of arms and an inscription.
*In Scotland the fields are known as Queen Elizabeth Fields

Ravenscraig Stadium, Greenock

Ravenscraig stadium is located in the south west suburbs of the town. Built in 1958, it contains an athletics track and a football field. The track was upgraded from cinder to synthetic in 1992 and the stadium was refurbished in 2013.

The first women's international football match to be played in Great Britain took place at Ravenscraig in 1972. Visitors England beat the home team 3-2.

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This photo is linked from: Automatic Clusters: · Inverclyde Academy [21] · Greenock Cut [15] · Ravenscraig Stadium [12] ·
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1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright
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Grid Square
NS2475, 196 images   (more nearby 🔍)
Thomas Nugent   (more nearby)
Date Taken
Saturday, 25 May, 2013   (more nearby)
Friday, 31 May, 2013
Subject Location
OSGB36: geotagged! NS 2446 7533 [10m precision]
WGS84: 55:56.3323N 4:48.7243W
Camera Location
OSGB36: geotagged! NS 2471 7482
View Direction
North-northwest (about 337 degrees)
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Image classification(about): Supplemental image
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