J5854 : Ardquin parish church
taken 18 years ago , 4 km NNW of Portaferry , Co Down, Northern Ireland
Ardquin parish church
Ardquin (CoI) parish church was built in 1829 on the site of a previous church. Little seems to be known about the older church save that there is a mention of its existence in 1306.
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J5854 , 25 images (more nearby
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Albert Bridge (more nearby )
Date Taken
Tuesday, 27 February, 2007 (more nearby )
Tuesday, 27 February, 2007
Subject Location
Irish: J 58 54 [1000m precision]
WGS84: 54:24.8624N 5:33.5540W
Camera Location
Irish: J 58 54
View Direction
Northeast (about 45 degrees)
Image classification
(about) :
Geograph (First for J5854)
· First in 5 Years (TPoint)
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