NZ6715 : Balmoral Road, Lingdale
taken 11 years ago, near to Stanghow, Redcar And Cleveland, England

Balmoral Road, Lingdale
Geographical Context:
Roads, Road transport
- Grid Square
- NZ6715, 11 images (more nearby 🔍)
- Photographer
- JThomas (more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Saturday, 8 February, 2014 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Friday, 16 May, 2014
- Subject Location
NZ 6759 1594 [10m precision]
WGS84: 54:32.0540N 0:57.4186W - Camera Location
NZ 6762 1595
- View Direction
- West-southwest (about 247 degrees)