NZ2462 : Cup and ring boulder, Gateshead Riverside Park
taken 10 years ago, near to Dunston, Gateshead, England

Cup and ring boulder, Gateshead Riverside Park
Ancient cup-and-ring stones "are ostensibly non-linear carved designs on outcrops of rock or solitary boulders. British examples originate from the neolithic period (some may be even older). Their central features are small rounded cup-markings, circles, semi-circles, curved lines, straight-ish lines, and double- & multiple-rings, all in usually abstract design-forms". For further info, see The Northern Antiquarian website Link
The Keys to the Past website lists over 300 examples of cup and ring rocks in County Durham and Northumberland Link
. Many of these have been photographed by Andrew Curtis Link .

The Keys to the Past website lists over 300 examples of cup and ring rocks in County Durham and Northumberland Link