TF3835 : View inland from the Wash sea-bank
taken 16 years ago, 4 km N of Holbeach st Marks, Lincolnshire, England

View inland from the Wash sea-bank
Between the mouth of the Welland and the Nene, the Wash coast faces north-east. This shot shows the view inland from the sea-bank at the northern-most point along that stretch of coast. The bank on the right runs south-west for a few hundred metres to the point where the borrow-dyke turns to the left. From there, an old sea bank runs due south (clearly visible in this shot) while the present-day sea bank continues WSW towards the navigable channel of the Welland.
The orientation of the photo can be determined pretty accurately, because in the original the chimneys of Spalding power station break the horizon just left of centre. While there is no very obvious 'plume' from the chimneys, I think I detect a slight yellowing of the sky - and there is a noticeable mass of low cloud on their downwind side (to the right).
The orientation of the photo can be determined pretty accurately, because in the original the chimneys of Spalding power station break the horizon just left of centre. While there is no very obvious 'plume' from the chimneys, I think I detect a slight yellowing of the sky - and there is a noticeable mass of low cloud on their downwind side (to the right).