J3785 : Solar panels, Greenisland (April 2016)
taken 9 years ago , near to Greenisland , Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
Solar panels, Greenisland (April 2016)
Solar panels on a house in the Greenisland estate. Once rare, they are (slowly) becoming more common around the greater Belfast area.
J3686 : Wind turbine, Knockagh is in the background.
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J3785 , 28 images (more nearby
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Albert Bridge (more nearby )
Date Taken
Monday, 18 April, 2016 (more nearby )
Monday, 18 April, 2016
Subject Location
Irish: J 374 851 [100m precision]
WGS84: 54:41.7280N 5:52.1726W
Camera Location
Irish: J 374 850
View Direction
Northwest (about 315 degrees)
Image classification
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