David Keith Fletcher wrote to Geograph from Perth, Western Australia, 29 December 2017.
"Thanks for the Essington photos. I lived in the 'pack' Essington. I've lived in Perth, Western Australia for 43 [years], but often remember the area. I was in Hilton Colliery for six years … I was an orphan and taken by Dora and Harold Fletcher in 'the pack' 23 Sneyd Lane. Harold Fletcher was a teacher and a layman who often preached at the Methodist church, shown on the photos you've shown. It was an interesting experience! I still wonder where we went from what we'd call today, a slum, to the houses and standard of living today … Actually I’ve tried many times to find people I knew in that time. Perhaps some might remember me, who knows?! Lol!"
David Fletcher
copied by Robin Stott from Support ticket #693142 and an email. Some of the places recalled by David are in gridsquare SJ9602, where there is a photo of the Methodist Church, its site, and the church hall, together with this grid square discussion.
SJ9602 : Allen's Rough Methodist Church near Essington
SJ9602 : Allen's Rough Methodist Church Hall
SJ9602 : Site of Allen's Rough Methodist Church