NT8101 : Bellshiel Long Cairn
taken 8 years ago, 4 km NNW of Rochester, Northumberland, England

Bellshiel Long Cairn
A Long Cairn occupies the crest of a narrow ridge in open moorland (fenced after scheduling) at about 300m above sea level. Orientated at an angle of 279 degrees, it is partially earth covered on the north side. It has a maximum height of 1.6m, length of 109m, and varies in breadth between 15m in the east and 8.8m in the west. The cairn was excavated in 1935 when a possible cist and a rock cut grave were found and cup marked stones noted nearby (later described only as water-worn depressions). Little was found and the excavator called the mound a 'monster of degeneracy'. It was not possible to date it securely to the Neolithic period.
A stone-walled enclosure attached to the S side of the cairn is a later feature re-using stones from the cairn.
Long cairns are the burial places of Britain's early farming communities and, as such, are amongst the oldest field monuments surviving visibly in the present landscape. Where investigated, they appear to have been used for communal burial, often with only parts of the human remains having been selected for interment.
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Historic England: Link
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A stone-walled enclosure attached to the S side of the cairn is a later feature re-using stones from the cairn.
Long cairns are the burial places of Britain's early farming communities and, as such, are amongst the oldest field monuments surviving visibly in the present landscape. Where investigated, they appear to have been used for communal burial, often with only parts of the human remains having been selected for interment.
Pastscape: Link

Historic England: Link