NS2973 : Lurg Moor Roman fortlet
taken 8 years ago, 3 km from Greenock, Inverclyde, Scotland
This is 1 of 5 images, with title Lurg Moor Roman fortlet in this square

Lurg Moor Roman fortlet
The form of the fortlet cannot be revealed very well in pictures taken from ground level; the site is better suited to drone photography.
However, this wide-angle view shows the south-western corner of the fortlet, with the ditch along the southern rampart receding on the right, and that of the western rampart receding on the left.
Click on the end-note title for related pictures.
However, this wide-angle view shows the south-western corner of the fortlet, with the ditch along the southern rampart receding on the right, and that of the western rampart receding on the left.
Click on the end-note title for related pictures.
Lurg Moor Roman fortlet
This is one of three fortlets that were built south of the River Clyde to control the approaches to the western end of the Antonine Wall. See Link
(at Canmore) for archaeological details, and Link
for an annotated satellite image (zoom out for other nearby antiquities).