W2975 : Clondrohid church
taken 7 years ago, near to Clondrohid, Co Cork, Ireland
Clondrohid church
A view taken with the main road running up the right hand side of the photo, with the church visible set back from the road on the left.
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- Grid Square
- W2975 (more nearby
- Photographer
- Neville Goodman (more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Friday, 1 September, 2017 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Saturday, 2 September, 2017
- Subject Location
W 296 757 [100m precision]
WGS84: 51:55.8032N 9:1.4160W
- Camera Location
W 296 757
- View Direction
North-northwest (about 337 degrees)
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