Signalling arrangements at East Grinstead TQ3837 : Running round at East Grinstead, Bluebell Railway TQ3837 : No.263 Arrives at East Grinstead TQ3837 : No.92212 Runs Around at East Grinstead TQ3837 : Arriving at East Grinstead TQ3837 : Network Rail stops here - close-upTo add to Robin Webster's excellent description (see left-hand photo) of the two ground frames at East Grinstead, it should be noted that the ground frames can only be operated once unlocked by the 'token'. The token is held by the train crew to allow them onto the single line from Kingscote to East Grinstead - once one is issued another cannot be taken out from the machine at Kingscote. As there is only one token only one ground frame can be unlocked at a time, thus insuring you can't have a train on the move towards Kingscote from both platforms at once!
Those interested in the fine details can see a diagram at