The stained glass window above the door of the masonic hall in Seaton Delaval. The whole building can be seen here: NZ2975 : Masonic Hall, Seaton Delaval.
Perhaps if the photographer had come to this morning's service or last week's Wedding or even a recent funeral she might not have found Holy Trinity Church so depressing! It's not that old as church buildings go , consecrated 1849. Rather out of the way now, but it was built for the pit and the colliery rows nearby which came down about a century ago.
The very good Vicarage picture - this has been the Old Vicarage since 1991 and is a private house. We live in the present Seghill Vicarage next door - youcan just see the end of it to the left. Never mind -delivery men get confused also.
Ian Falconer
Vicar of Seghill & Seaton Delaval with Holywell