TL4458 : A round the colleges route to Downing Street (36)
taken 6 years ago, near to Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England

Over the last few years I've done a lot of work on Wikipedia on the 16 Cantabularian Colleges founded before 1596, so I wanted to see as many of them as I could in the time it would take my mother and sister to go round the latest exhibition at the Fitzwilliam. When eventually they had finished they rang. "Where are you?" they asked.
I looked up. "Downing Street."
"Crikey, you've walked a long way!"
(Fun fact: there are 19 Downing Streets in the UK)
St Bene’t’s is the oldest church in Cambridge, the tower dating from about 1025. It sits next to Corpus Christi College, which used it as a chapel for many years.