Just viewed the image of
N02 Grain Elevator, leaning over. I remember that this Grain Elevator was demolished, but the issue with it was when the demolistion company set charges, ready for ITV to film the demolition. Unfortunatley the charges were not big enough to bring it down. Apparentley the records of the structure didnt show that the acual rebar reinforcment was a lot stronger that entisipated.
After review the structure was demolished by crane and wreacking ball. The reason for this was if they used the amount of TNT needed to bring the structure down it would have taken out a lot of the neighbouring houses on Trafford Road. (Or so the story goes.)
My fatjer worked on the dock Joseph Patrick Healey, and his brother Jimmy Healey. The told me when I was a boy that the Rats from the grain elevator were that big the dogs ran away from them.... Good old memories..