SE6450 : Constantine College from Kimberlow Hill

taken 4 years ago, near to Heslington, York, England

Constantine College from Kimberlow Hill
Constantine College from Kimberlow Hill
Looking towards Constantine College on Heslington East.
University of York :: SE6250

Founded in 1963 as one of seven new build universities in the 1960s. Initially comprising a main campus (now known as Heslington West) and King's Manor in the city centre, a new campus is under construction and is known as Heslington East. These two main campuses exist to the south-east of York surrounding the village of Heslington, and the city is about a 20 minute walk away. The university has a collegiate system Link with seven undergraduate and one post graduate colleges and all members of the university are assigned to a college. For more information see the university website LinkExternal link

Heslington East :: SE6350

Around the turn of the 21st century, the University of York was looking towards major expansion of the campus. Three sites had been earmarked as a potential new campus to supplement the current campus (now known as Heslington West), those sites being the area around Elvington Airfield; The York Central site (also known as the 'Eye of York') which was derelict railway land available for redevelopment; and an area of farmland to the east of Heslington. In 2004 the University settled on its preferred site and submitted an outline planning application for its preferred site, indicating its intention to increase student numbers from around 10,000 to 15,500. Like Heslington West, a masterplan was constructed for a phased development of the campus. Following a public inquiry in 2007, planning permission was obtained in 2008 for the first phase, which included relocations of Goodricke College, Computer Science and Law & Management Studies to the new campus, along with the creation of a new Theatre, Film & Television department, a Catalyst building and the Ron Cooke Hub. The first phase also included all the groundworks for the whole masterplan, including construction of the East Lake, raising of Kimberlow Hill and the building of service roads and footpaths. Construction started in 2008 and Goodricke College relocated in September 2009, in time for the new intake.
In 2011 phase two of the campus was started, with construction of a new College to enable Langwith to relocate from Heslington West and a new Sports Centre to be constructed close to Grimston Bar park and ride. These opened in autumn 2012 (Langwith College) and Easter 2013 (York Sports Village).
Phase 3 commenced in 2013 with a further college, although this time a new college was constructed, rather than relocating an existing college. Named after the Roman Emperor, Constantine College became the ninth college at the university and admitted its first students in autumn 2014.

Colleges at the University of York :: SE6250

The University of York was built with a collegial system in a similar way to Cambridge, Oxford and Durham. At York, the colleges are principally for accommodation and social reasons rather than for academic teaching (although the colleges are commonly used for splitting teaching into smaller groups within departments). The first college was Derwent College (named after the nearby river) in 1965, quickly followed by Langwith College (named after the nearby common) and in 1968-9 by Vanbrugh College (after John Vanbrugh the architect), Goodricke College (after John Goodricke the astronomer) and Alcuin College (after Alcuin of York). Wentworth College (after Thomas Wentworth), the post graduate only college, was formed in 1972 and completed the originally envisaged colleges. In 1990 James college (after Lord James of Rusholme) was added, initially post-graduate only, it allowed undergraduate entry from 1993. Halifax College only came into being as a college in 2001, although the buildings had existed as overflow accommodation (known as Halifax Court) for several years previous. With university expansion onto Heslington East campus several colleges are departing from their original locations with Goodricke College relocating in 2009 and Langwith College in 2012. The buildings on Heslington West vacated by the departing colleges were acquired by other neighbouring colleges (where other shared descriptions for the specific colleges exist, these reflect the college at the time of the photograph). A ninth college was added to the university in 2014, named Constantine College after the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great was constructed on Heslington East. In 2020 construction began on two further colleges to be located at the western side of Heslington East. College 11 is named Anne Lister College and College 12 David Kato College.

Constantine College

The ninth college at the University of York was named after the Roman Emperor, Constantine the Great. The college opened in 2014 on the Heslington East campus and consists of eight accommodation blocks (A, B, C, D, E, F, G & H) plus a college nucleus (called The Forum) consisting of two communal spaces called the Loft and the Studio along with college administration, laundrette and other facilities.

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Geographical Context: Educational sites Primary Subject: University
This photo is linked from: Automatic Clusters: · Constantine College [82] · Looking towards Constantine College [49] · Kimberlow Hill [10] ·
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SE6450, 511 images   (more nearby 🔍)
DS Pugh   (more nearby)
Date Taken
Friday, 22 May, 2020   (more nearby)
Sunday, 24 May, 2020
Subject Location
OSGB36: geotagged! SE 6407 5076 [10m precision]
WGS84: 53:56.9390N 1:1.5160W
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OSGB36: geotagged! SE 64031 50998
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